Janoschs Bougie Blue

Janoschs Bougie Blue


Bougie has been color tested Lp/n Pat1/n Rn/n is 50% Noriker. He should make 16.1 hands and will probably be leopard after he sheds his milk hair. 


LA Ranch Blueskye Brisa

Mother of Janoschs Bougie Blue

Brisa is a Blue roan percheron/frisian/quarter horse. She has a 2023 blue roan leopard stallion colt sired by Jan

Janosch Elmar XIV Purebred Noriker

Father of Janoschs Bougie Blue

Janosch Elmar XIV was imported from Austria as a weanling in 2020. He is the only homozygous fewspot Noriker stallion in America!  We have watched him grow and mature into a handsome curious gentle fellow.