2023 LAR Blue Angel Bonnie (homozygous blue roan)

2023 LAR Blue Angel Bonnie (homozygous blue roan)


LAR Blue Angel Bonnie is a filly  foal  out of blue roan, Blue Skye Brisa a Friesian/Quarter horse/Percheron mare  and sired by our blue roan Imported Austrian Noriker stallion , Racino. She  is blue roan with a 75% chance of being homozygous blue roan. Being offered with Deposit and payments through weaning.  Live Healthy Foal Guarantee. Foal is 50% Noriker , 12.5%Friesian, 12.5% quarter Horse, 25% Percheron. 



LA Ranch Blueskye Brisa

Mother of 2023 LAR Blue Angel Bonnie (homozygous blue roan)

Brisa is a Blue roan percheron/frisian/quarter horse. She  is in foal to Racino our imported Homozygous blue roan stallion for a March 2025 foal.

Racino R Vulkan XVIII Standing Stud

Father of 2023 LAR Blue Angel Bonnie (homozygous blue roan)

Racino R Vulkan XVIII Is an imported purebred Noriker. He is currently the only homozygous roan Noriker stallion in America. His pedigree goes back 2500 years. He is homozygous for Roan and Black Rn/Rn E/E. You are guaranteed roan if you breed to Racino! He currently stands 16.2 hands and still growing, his first foals arrived in 2022 and they are lovely! If you are looking for the blue roan with lots of bone structure and width and good hair, and calm curious temperament, that are versatile for riding, driving and working. The Norikers are a versatile, docile Coldblood draft breed used for, riding, dressage, pleasure and competitive driving as well as logging. They are very calm, curious and non reactive. They adapt easy to all climate types. Prior to getting on the plane to fly to LA Ranch Florida, Racino was grazing in the Swiss alps. All of our Noriker s have adjusted easily with no issues to the heat and lower elevation in Florida. They are a very hardy breed with few health issues. All of his foals are eligible to register With American Noriker Horse Registry. We have some of his purebred foals due for 2023 and several crossbred with our Percheron mares and our Friesian mares, we also have 2 of his babies from 2022 out of registered percheron mares. See their profiles. We hope you will join us and be a part of establishing the Norikers in America.

you will love the Norikers!