Live Cover stallion contract chilled Herrilich Vulkan XIX

Chilled Shipped Semen Stallion Service Contract for:

Herrlich Vulkan XIX, a purebred Noriker stallion.

Genetic tested Lp/N Pat1/Pat1

This contract is made between

Atlee and Linda Yoder at LA Ranch

28696 Gore Orphanage  Rd

New London, Ohio 44851

Henceforth stallion owners and:

Mare owner/Name: purchaser:

engages one (1) stallion service to LA Ranch Stallion: Herrlich Vulkan XIX a registered purebred Noriker for the breeding season .


Stallion service shall be chilled shipped semen.

  1. The mare to be bred is:
  2. Name:
  3. age
  4. Breed:
  5. Has mare foaled prior?

The purchaser may not substitute another mare for breeding with out prior written consent from LA Ranch.

  1. FEES. The purchaser agrees to pay LA Ranch the following listed stud fee $2500 plus $375 collecting and shipping charges per collection if mare requires more than one shipment.

Any and all veterinary costs will be the responsibility of the mare owner.

  1. All mares at owners expense, must have a veterinary statement of clean culture prior to breeding. This protects mare and stallion and addresses reproductive issues that might be present for the mare before time and resources are misspent . During this veterinary inspection find out where your mare is in her cycle so breeding time can be scheduled for breeding success.
  2. REFUND OF FEES: This contract shall be null and void and purchaser shall be entitled to refund of fees paid to LA Ranch should stallion become deceased or become unfit for service prior to servicing mare. Purchaser is not entitled to refund of fees should stallion die or become unfit for service after servicing said mare unless she come up open or does not have Live foal.
  3. NON-ASSIGNMENT: This contract cannot be assigned or transferred by purchaser. There will be no return if mare is sold or otherwise changes ownership.
  4. Purchaser agrees and understands all veterinary, farrier, foaling and other fees are in addition to stallion service fee.
  5. In the case the mare is barren, L A Ranch requires submission of a recent intrauterine culture certificate (within 60 days) and must be veterinarian certified that mare has been immunized for equine rhinopneumonitis (equine herpes) are current.
  6. Warrantees: This contract contains a live foal guarantee, @ a live foal is described: as a new born foal which stands and nurses without assistance, If the foal is born dead, return privilege shall apply only to the next breeding season.
  7. If foal is not live foal LA Ranch must be notified with in 3 days with veterinary statement.
  8. Upon live birth LA Ranch will furnish purchaser with registration application for registry in the International Draft and Sporthorse Registry, and the Friesian Heritage Registry.
  9. The purchaser hereby gives LA Ranch permission to act as an agent in an emergency situation, if purchaser can not be reached in a timely manner.
  10. The purchaser releases LA Ranch/Atlee and Linda Yoder from any responsibility or liability, for any disease, injury, or accident, to the mare and or accompanying foal resulting from negligence.
  11. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by the State of Ohio, county of Lorain, and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their personal representatives.

Name and address, phone of Purchasers veterinarian:

I agree to terms of the Contract :

_______________________________________________ Purchaser(mare owner) Date________

Linda Yoder, Stallion Owner.

Atlee Yoder Stallion owner


Herrlich Vulkan XIX Purebred Noriker Stallion Standing Stud

Meet Herrlich! He was imported from Austria in 2019 as a Weanling. He has matured into a handsome young stallion with a quiet gentle mind. He will be expecting his first foal crop 2023 with one purebred and several crossbreds, we are looking forward to meeting his babies. The Norikers are a versatile, docile Coldblood draft breed used for, riding, dressage, pleasure and competitive driving as well as logging. They are very calm, curious and non reactive. They adapt easy to all climate types. Prior to getting on the plane at 6 months old to fly to LA Ranch Florida, Herrlich was grazing in the Swiss alps in the herd with other mares and foals. All of our Norikers have adjusted easily with no issues to the heat and lower elevation in Florida. They are a very hardy breed with few health issues. All of his foals are eligible to register With American Noriker Horse Registry. We hope you will join us and be a part of establishing the Norikers in America. He has been trained in harness and under saddle. The women have driven him to Walmart, church and town, he is quiet and traffic safe. Little boys have road him on trail rides and and used him to pull them no sleds and skis in the snow. In spite of being a stallion he is very gentle and just about any one can ride him.  He throws gentle curious foals like himself. He is a hard one not to love.  

Herrlich Vulkan XIX Purebred Noriker Stallion Standing Stud

Seller Information:

Atlee and Linda Yoder


28696 Gore Orphanage Rd

New London, Ohio 44851

Phone 870-250-1276

Buyer Information:

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